Wellsville Animal Hospital

403 Main St
Wellsville, KS 66092



Disaster Preparedness

According to a survey by the ASPCA, “More than 1 in 5 pet owners have evacuated their homes due to a disaster or emergency and nearly half left at least one pet behind when they evacuated”. (ASPCA, 2021). Get crucial updates sent to you before, during, and after an event so you can respond promptly and appropriately to
changing conditions.

Consider these helpful links:

  • Public safety officials use timely and reliable systems to alert you about emergencies. Be familiar with the “Wireless Emergency Alerts” such as https://www.fema.gov/.../use-text-messaging-get.... Alerts can be tailored to include your area (check the settings on your mobile device). 
  • Identify local animal welfare and veterinary organizations likely to be involved in a disaster response (e.g., animal control, municipal shelter, private/non-profit shelters, veterinary clinics) such as https://hsgkc.org/education.../animal-control-listings/ and their role in the community (e.g., primary disaster response, lost pets, emergency veterinary care).

Consider “following” these groups on social media during a disaster as they will provide helpful tips and animal-specific information:
Consider receiving training and/or volunteering in animal disaster response in your community.
By having an alert system in place, owners can get paramount and possibly life-saving updates.
