Wellsville Animal Hospital

403 Main St
Wellsville, KS 66092





Osteoarthritis, also known as Degenerative Joint Disease (DJD) primarily affects dogs, but cats can also experience the disease as well. Older and larger breeds usually encounter this form of arthritis more so than any other group of canines. It refers to an inflammation of the joint that stems from cartilage deterioration. In some cases, this inflammation becomes worse and progresses due to several factors such as age, injury, or another underlying condition.

Watch for these signs and symptoms to detect if your pet may have osteoarthritis:
* Stiffness or difficulty getting up from laying down.
* Reluctance to enjoy playtime.
* Weight gain
* Behavioral changes/irritability                                                                          
* Wincing when touched or pet
* Difficulty posturing when trying to urinate or defecate
* Muscle loss

Cats may show any of these symptoms as well, but also can demonstrate more subtle signs such as (but not limited to) inappropriate defecation, over-grooming, matted hair coat, irritability, and vomiting. If your pet has been showing any of these symptoms, it is likely time to help his or her comfort levels by seeking your veterinarian’s advic

To take the arthritis symptom questionnaire by Zoetis: