Wellsville Animal Hospital

403 Main St
Wellsville, KS 66092



Puppy Training 


Why is puppy training important?
Like children, puppies need to learn the appropriate behavior for living in a household and interacting with others. Puppies also seek positive reinforcement; willing and able to learn. 
Unfortunately, puppies often grow into dogs that are eventually surrendered to shelters because of behavior problems. In most cases, it is not the dog's fault. Quite often, the problem is related to the puppy not receiving proper training. Proper puppy training early on will help avoid bumps in the road and lead to a better relationship with your dog in the years ahead. 
What should I know about puppy training?
 There are several basic rules of puppy training that will lead to a more rewarding experience for everyone involved:
  • Avoid punishment: You should never spank or yell, ank a collar or rub a puppy's nose in urine or feces. Punishment may not only weaken a puppy's trust in people, but also lead to aggression, fear biting, and submissive urination. If the puppy has an accident, simply say "no" in a firm voice, and take him or her outside. Consult your veterinarian if you are having problems housebreaking your puppy. 
  • Reward good behavior: Puppies respond best to positive reinforcement. Reward good behavior with a piece of kibble, a pat on the head or praise. Keep in mind, some puppies do not appreciate physical (tactile) rewards, so finding the reward that works best for your puppy might take some trial and error. 
  • Be consistent: When you are training the puppy, make sure a consistent command or hand signal is used by everyone in the family. For example, if one member says "here" and another says "come", the inconsistency will confuse the puppy. Consistency will make it easier for the puppy to understand what you are asking. 
  • Puppies should always be supervised: Until your puppy is well trained, he or she should be supervised at all times or placed in a kennel or crate when you are away. This will reduce accidents in the house and keep your puppy from chewing or swallowing items that could be dangerous. 
  • Nothing is free: Ask your puppy to sit before feeding or giving a favorite toy. Once the "desired behavior" is performed, reward the puppy with the treat, meal, or favorite toy. 
  • Keep training sessions short: Like children, puppies have short attention spans. Training sessions at home should only last anywhere from 5-15 minutes. Always end on a positive note. A short daily training session is more effective than a long weekly one. 
  •  Help your puppy be comfortable being handled: Whenever possible, handle your puppy's paws, ears, mouth and body. Whenever your puppy is tolerant of being handled, it will be easier for you to trim nails, brush teeth, clean ears and give medications. It will also make grooming and veterinary visits less stressful. 
  • Expose your puppy to other people and pets. The earlier your puppy is introduced to other people, the more comfortable he or she will feel around them, and the less likely he or she will be to exhibit shy behavior. Exposure to other pets is important, too, but be careful not to take your puppy to a dog park or to visit neighborhood dogs until he or she has been vaccinated. Consult your veterinarian to find out when your puppy is ready to be around other dogs. 
  • Provide your puppy with appropriate chew toys: When your puppy starts teething, he or she may want to chew on furniture, clothing, hands, and other inappropriate items. Simply say "no", without yelling or shouting, and give the puppy something more appropriate to chew on. Avoid giving your puppy a sock or other article of clothing to chew. These items may be inadvertently swallowed and may also give the puppy the message that it's ok to chew on clothing. Consult your veterinarian about which chew toys are safest. 
Why should I consider attending puppy kindergarten?
Attending a puppy training class led by a training specialist has a number of advantages. First, you will have an expert to provide guidance, and answer questions or concerns you may have. Second, it will give your puppy an opportunity for socialization, both with other puppies and with other children and adults. Puppy kindergarten classes are offered by many veterinary clinics, dog training facilities, and pet supply stores. It is important to find a course that emphasizes positive reinforcement rather than punishment. Ask your veterinarian for recommendations on the best training courses in your area.  Other things typically covered in these classes:
  • Basic commands such as sit, stay, down, and come. 
  • Crate training basics and housebreaking tips. 
  • Leash walking. 
Reputable training facilities will require your puppy to be vaccinated before attending the course to ensure that puppies aren't exposed to diseases while their delicate immune systems are still developing. Some vaccinations need to be given at least 10-14 days before the class begins in order to protect your puppy. Consult your veterinarian about when your puppy will be ready to attend class.